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Posts by Richard Lawrence

Are We Immortal?

Are We Immortal?

The Nature of Man and Immortality (Gen. 1-3) I am approaching this topic of the immortality of human beings from a Biblical worldview and thus am starting from the opening chapters of the Bible. The first three chapters of Genesis  introduce us to man’s creation,...

God with us: Exodus Through the Lens of Trauma

God with us: Exodus Through the Lens of Trauma

Model of the tabernacle, as seen in Israel, Timna Park, File:Stiftshuette Modell Timnapark.jpg - Wikimedia Commons. The Exodus narrative tells the story of the nation of Israel being delivered by God from a 400 year-long Egyptian slavery and a subsequent 40 years of...

About that Mansion

About that Mansion

 In my Father's house are many mansions:if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. - John 14:2   This chapter in John opens with Jesus saying “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you;...

Richard LawrenceI have had an interest in spiritual things since childhood and declared my faith in Jesus as savior and lord at the age of twelve.
My commitment to God grew throughout my teen years and into young adulthood. After high school I attended Bible college and graduated with a BA in Pastoral Studies. A couple of years in full-time church ministry made it clear that this was not where I belonged. But this does not mean my heart was not still focused on Christ and the Bible. I love to spend time studying this book we call the Bible and over the decades I have taught in many adult Sunday school classes, led numerous small groups and trained other leaders.
Now in retirement I continue to ask questions about God and His word that often fall outside the parameters of popular Christian thinking. I enjoy the fact that at this age I am still able to challenge what I have always believed and look afresh at what this book, the Bible, says about God and our relationship to Him..
As you read some of these articles I hope you find renewed faith and increase your own willingness to ask questions and challenge long-held assumptions.